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What we do
Our mission
Our Vission
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arkadina pardis

Our mission, inspired by its name, is to build trust, trust and a secure base for our business partners international trade. For this reason, honesty in promises and integrity, in order to perform the duties to the best form, not merely as a slogan, but as the main principle in all trades and activities for members collection has been understood. Our mission is to develop our country’s business by expanding international trade relations by facilitating and creating facitilies for export, import, representation and all activities of the field business is for our  business partners.


It can be considered as the entry of any goods and services from foreign countries into the country. The definition of BUY goods may appear to be simplistic, but the processes required to comply with it have its own complexities and require experience and expertise in this area.


Due to the climatic and geographical location of Iran there are distinctive and special products for SELL another countries from Iran. Iran’s main export share in the first stage. It belongs to the oil and its derivatives. Another export product of Iran is saffron.



Arkadina Pardis, having specialized in import, has already had many successful experiences in importing various products such as accepting orders for verdits of a variety of industrial parts, raw materials, production lines and a wide range of other imported products.


Exports besides imports are the main components of trade. Export product or service process in the country is offering and selling them to other countries citizens. Whatever by sea, to aerial form, or whatever it is sent it’s enough that the product is produced inside and shipping it to the foreign countries for export.


italy_arkadina trusted partner
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Flag of Kazakhstan_arkadina Pardis
France flag-arkadinaPardis


Working with Arkadina was a great experience for me and I am really grateful for their speed and good support
Arkadina's food products are excellent and I am very happy to have access to attractive Iranian food this way. The Arkadina team is very professional and I feel satisfied working with this team.
John Schmidt